Monday, May 30, 2016

Company Profile Details

Illustration Company

Along with the development of our country development in Indonesia and on efforts to improve the human resources ( HR) toward the era of globalization and welcomed the free market (free trade ) , which has been the trend in the business world , then on February 9, 2011 PT . Lumary Birumas established according to the provisions in force in the Republic of Indonesia. The company was formed by using all sorts of devices and the provision of a wide range of preparation, organized and coordinated the basis of its development . PT . Lumary Birumas is a company engaged as importer / distributor of medical equipment and hospital supplies . We offer a wide range of equipment and the needs of hospitals , clinics and individuals with affordable price . The products we offer are of high quality imported products that have been standardized internationally and has been widely used in hospitals - known hospitals in Indonesia . For customer satisfaction we give 1 year warranty free spare parts and servicing , guarantee backup tool in case of malfunction during the warranty period for each product purchased from our place.


  • Become a trusted health care provider in Indonesia Being a medical equipment distributor that has its competitiveness
  • and become a leading player in the medical device area and outside the area.
  • Mission

  • Providing the best products for customers with excellent quality and reasonable price
  • provides the latest product innovations in the world of health
  • about providing the best service providers of healthcare services to the entire community
  • educate medical equipment and functions to consumers And to partner with leading hospitals
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    1. --
      Kepada Yth
      DI -

      Dengan Hormat,

      Bersama ini Kami “PT AWAT MATA PUTRA” (Consultant Bank Garansi & Surety Bond) perusahaan
      yang unggul dan berpengalaman yang bergerak di bidang Penjaminan Guarantee Bank & Surety
      Bond tanpa agunan 100% dan General Insurance (Asuransi Umum). Kami memberikan
      penawaran berupa penerbitan jaminan pengcoveran Garansi Bank & Asuransi yang di back-up
      oleh perusahaan perbankan dan asuransi pemerintah maupun swasta yang ternama di Indonesia
      (daftar relasi terlampir). Kami telah menerbitkan jaminan lebih dari 970 perusahaan.

      Jenis jaminan yang kami terbitkan yaitu sbb:
      1.Jaminan Penawaran ( Bid Bond )
      2.Jaminan Pelaksanaan ( Peformance Bond )
      3.Jaminan Uang Muka ( Advance Payment Bond )
      4.Jaminan Pemeliharaan ( Maintenance Bond )
      5.Jaminan Akhir Tahun SP2D/Pembayaran ( Payment Bond )

      Kelebihan yang kami miliki berupa :
      1. Proses cepat
      2. Tanpa batasan (unlimited)
      3. Biaya kompetitip murah dan tanpa angunan
      4. Rate bisa negosiasikan.
      5. aman dan di jamin 100 % keaslianya dan polis kami antar,
      Sebagai bahan pertimbang, kami lampirkan tabel “Guarantee Bank Dan Surety Bond”, daftar
      relasi dan persayaratan pengajuan penerbitan bank garansi. Besar harapan kami agar dapat
      melakukan kerja-sama dan saling memberikan keuntungan kepada perusahaan/badan usaha yang
      Anda pimpin. Jika ada pertanyaan atau Anda membetuhkan informasi yang lebih lanjut, silakan
      menghubungi kami melalui contract person.
      Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

      Hormat Kami
      PT AWAT MATA PUTRA       
      Director MarketingAgent Guarantee Bank Surety Bond, Asuransi Umum
      Head Office : Jl.Raya Pasar Minggu KM.19 NO.75c Kelurahan Pasar Minggu,Jakarta Selatan
      Telp     : 021.72740277/ 72740277( Hunting )
      Fak      :  72741005
      Hp/Wa : 0821-7642-2603 
      Email  :
